Paddle vs Braintree - Características, pros, contras y principales diferencias

Pádel contra Braintree

Payment gateways are essential for businesses operating online. They allow secure transactions between merchants and customers. Choosing the right payment gateway can greatly impact a business’s success in the digital age of e-commerce.

Paleta vs Braintree are two prominent players in this space. They offer comprehensive payment solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of online merchants.

This article aims to provide an in-depth comparison between Paddle and Braintree. It will highlight their features, pricing, integration capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. 

By analyzing these two platforms, online businesses and entrepreneurs can make an informed decision and select the payment gateway that best aligns with their specific requirements.

This comprehensive analysis will equip businesses with the knowledge necessary to navigate online payments effectively. Whether a startup venturing into e-commerce or an established business looking to optimize payment processes, this comparison will shed light on which option is the better payment gateway.

What are Paddle and Braintree?



Paleta es una sólida plataforma de pagos que se centra exclusivamente en proporcionar una infraestructura de pagos de extremo a extremo adaptada a los comerciantes de SaaS, suscripciones de software y bienes digitales. Sobresale en el manejo de ventas globales, incluyendo suscripciones, transacciones únicas y cumplimiento de impuestos complejos como el IVA. Si usted es un proveedor de SaaS, una plataforma de software o un vendedor de productos digitales, Paddle ofrece potentes funciones y una escalabilidad sin fisuras para apoyar su crecimiento.

Características principales

  • 5% + 0,50¢ por venta a tanto alzado
  • Cumplimiento integrado del impuesto sobre las ventas para Europa, EE.UU., Canadá y Australia
  • Localized checkout options across 200+ countries and multiple currencies
  • Capacidades automatizadas de recaudación, declaración y verificación del IVA
  • Herramientas centradas en la monetización de las suscripciones, como la facturación medida y la generación instantánea de licencias
  • Pagos instantáneos con un solo clic directamente a los principales bancos del mundo
  • Gestión racionalizada del programa de afiliados y de los pagos a los socios
  • Precios de plataforma transparentes y sin complicaciones con modelos de escala móvil de honorarios

Por supuesto, sus exhaustivas normas de seguridad también figuran en la lista - Cumplimiento del nivel 1 de PCI DSScifrado a nivel bancario, amplia protección contra el fraude y garantías de alto tiempo de actividad del servicio.

Los mejores casos de uso

  • Empresas SaaS: Gestione las suscripciones globales y las complejidades fiscales sin esfuerzo.
  • Plataformas de software: Ofrezca opciones de compra seguras y cómodas para los productos digitales.
  • Vendedores de productos digitales: Agilice los procesos de venta y céntrese en crear productos sorprendentes.


Braintree Payment Gateway

Braintree is a versatile payment gateway that enables businesses of all sizes to accept payments seamlessly from customers worldwide across multiple channels. It offers a comprehensive suite of payment solutions, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets like PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, as well as local payment methods for global expansion. Braintree’s robust platform is designed to streamline the payment process, catering to the diverse needs of e-commerce businesses, subscription-based services, mobile app developers, and startups.

Características principales

  • 2.59% + $0.49 per transaction for standard merchants (1.99% + $0.49 for verified charitable organizations). 
  • Venmo: 3.49% + $0.49 per transaction (US only).
  • ACH Direct Debit: 0.75% per transaction (capped at $5) plus return and unauthorized fees.
  • Supports a wide range of payment methods including credit cards, PayPal, and local options globally.
  • Offers a seamless checkout experience for web and mobile.
  • Enables recurring billing and subscription management.
  • Employs advanced fraud protection tools to minimize chargebacks and maximize revenue.
  • Accepts payments in over 45 countries/regions with optimized acceptance rates.
  • Facilitates global payouts to recipients with diverse options.
  • Provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools for real-time insights.

Braintree’s commitment to security and compliance is evident through its adherence to industry standards such as PCI DSS Level 1 compliance, SSL encryption, tokenization, and robust authentication and session management. With its comprehensive features, scalable infrastructure, and dedicated support, Braintree aims to simplify payment processing, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations while providing a seamless payment experience for customers worldwide.

Los mejores casos de uso

  • E-commerce Businesses: Streamline online transactions and provide customers with a secure and user-friendly checkout experience across multiple payment methods.
  • Subscription-based Services: Manage recurring billing and subscription payments with ease, catering to diverse business models.
  • Mobile App Developers: Integrate payment functionality seamlessly into mobile applications, ensuring a consistent checkout experience across devices.
  • Startups and Growing Businesses: Leverage a scalable payment solution to accommodate growth and expansion, both domestically and internationally.
  • Marketplace Businesses: Facilitate efficient outbound payments to vendors, contractors, or service providers globally through Braintree’s payout solutions.

Paddle Vs Braintree: Features and Functionality

Both Paddle and Braintree are feature-rich options in the online payment processing arena, catering specifically to software businesses, digital goods sellers, eCommerce and SaaS companies. They boast comprehensive feature sets to streamline global sales, manage subscriptions, and boost revenue. But how do they compare head-to-head? Let’s take a closer look at their key functionalities:

Público objetivoNegocios en línea ambiciosos, proveedores de SaaS, plataformas de software, vendedores de productos digitales, comercio electrónico basado en WordPress y negocios de descargas digitales (Paddle for EDD y Paddle for WooCommerce)E-commerce businesses, subscription-based services, mobile app developers, startups, growing businesses, marketplace businesses
Alcance mundialMás de 200 divisas, experiencias de pago localizadasAccepts payments in over 45 countries/regions and 130+ currencies
SuscripcionesPotentes herramientas de gestión, planes de precios flexibles, estrategias de reducción de bajasRobust recurring billing and subscription management capabilities
Cumplimiento fiscalGestiona el IVA y otros impuestos regionalesRequires manual tax setup
SeguridadSólido cumplimiento de PCI-DSS, prevención avanzada del fraude, encriptación de datosPCI DSS Level 1 compliance, SSL encryption, tokenization, robust authentication and session management
EscalabilidadManeja grandes volúmenes de transacciones, escala con su negocioScalable solution to accommodate growth and expansion
Facilidad de usoInterfaz fácil de usar, pero requiere algunos conocimientos técnicosEasier to set up for non-technical users
Herramientas de marketing integradasIntegraciones limitadas con plataformas de marketingIntegrates with marketing automation tools
Mobile-FirstPago optimizado para móvilesOptimized checkout experience for web and mobile
PreciosTasas de transacción + posibles descuentos por volumenFlat rate and interchange plus pricing options available
Tasas ocultasNingunoPotential for additional fees
IntegracionesMás integraciones con plataformas y herramientas de comercio electrónicoExtensive payment method integrations through a single integration
Informes y análisisSólidas capacidades de elaboración de informes y análisis impulsadas por ProfitWell MetricsComprehensive reporting and analytics tools, including advanced transaction search, dispute management, settlement batch summaries, and webhook notifications
Atención al clienteEmail supportLive chat supportComprehensive knowledge baseCommunity forumsPhone support (for higher pricing tiers)Email, Knowledge baseCommunity forums

ote: Si utiliza Easy Digital Downloads o WooCommerce, considere Paddle para EDD y Paddle para WooCommerce. Ofrecen integraciones nativas y funciones optimizadas para esas plataformas, agilizando la configuración y maximizando su experiencia con WordPress.

Paleta para EDD

Paleta para EDD
  • Dirigido a usuarios del plugin Easy Digital Downloads (EDD), una popular plataforma para la venta de productos digitales en WordPress.
  • Integra a la perfección las potentes capacidades de Paddle, como pagos globales, suscripciones, cumplimiento fiscal y protección avanzada contra el fraude, dentro de la interfaz EDD.
  • Ofrece funciones adicionales como la generación automática de licencias, la gestión de descuentos y los pagos con un solo clic, todo ello orientado a simplificar y ampliar las ventas de productos digitales a través de EDD.

Pádel para WooCommerce

Pádel para WooCommerce
  • Se dirige a los usuarios del plugin WooCommerce, una plataforma de comercio electrónico muy utilizada para WordPress.
  • Conecta los sitios web de WooCommerce con Paddle, permitiendo el procesamiento seguro y sin problemas de pagos únicos y recurrentes para bienes físicos y digitales.
  • Ofrece funciones como cómodas experiencias de pago, gestión de impuestos internacionales y sólidas herramientas de gestión de suscripciones diseñadas específicamente para entornos WooCommerce.

Esencialmente, tanto Paddle para EDD como Paddle para WooCommerce aprovechan las ventajas de la pasarela de pago Paddle pero las hacen fácilmente accesibles y mejoran su funcionalidad dentro de las interfaces familiares de EDD y WooCommerce, respectivamente. Esto los convierte en las opciones ideales para los usuarios de WordPress que ya se sienten cómodos con estos plugins y desean soluciones de pago potentes sin abandonar su plataforma preferida.

Métodos de pago admitidos

Paleta: Embraces inclusivity with a vast array of payment options, spanning over 200 currencies, credit and debit cards, popular e-wallets like PayPal and Apple Pay, and even adaptable local payment methods like SEPA Direct Debit and Sofort. This global embrace caters to diverse customer preferences and smooths out cross-border transactions.

Braintree: Braintree provides a truly global payment experience by supporting an extensive range of payment methods through a single integration. This includes major credit and debit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, UnionPay, and Diners Club. Additionally, Braintree offers popular digital wallets such as PayPal, Venmo (US only), Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.

For international expansion, Braintree facilitates local payment methods like Bancontact, BLIK, iDeal, eps, GiroPay, MyBank, P24, Sofort, and Trustly. Merchants can also accept payments through direct banking connections with options like ACH Direct Debit.

By catering to diverse payment preferences across the globe, Braintree empowers businesses to drive higher conversion rates, reduce cart abandonment, and provide a seamless checkout experience for customers worldwide.

Alcance mundial

Paleta: Picture borderless commerce at its finest. Paddle enables sales in 200+ countries, complete with localized checkout experiences tailored to language, currency, and cultural preferences. Paddle simplifies international expansion, new product launches and more. This creates a seamless and familiar experience for customers worldwide, boosting conversion rates and brand loyalty. 

Braintree: Braintree offers global reach for businesses, accepting payments in over 45 countries/regions and 130+ currencies. This allows merchants to present prices in local currencies and receive settlements in flexible options, reducing friction for international customers. While not as localized as Paddle, Braintree provides a smooth global payment experience with features like 3D Secure and support for international payment methods.

Conversión de divisas

Paleta: Say goodbye to manual calculations and potential pricing errors. Paddle handles automatic currency conversion at competitive rates, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both you and your customers. This removes a technical hurdle and fosters trust in your global pricing strategy.

Braintree: Braintree simplifies global sales by accepting 130+ currencies and automatically converting them for customers. This eliminates manual calculations, fosters trust with transparent pricing, and lets businesses offer local checkout experiences with competitive conversion rates and flexible settlement options.

Prevención del fraude

Paleta: Paddle aprovecha los algoritmos avanzados de detección del fraude y las técnicas de aprendizaje automático para identificar y mitigar los riesgos potenciales. Su sistema analiza diversos puntos de datos, como direcciones IP, patrones de compra e información sobre dispositivos, para señalar actividades sospechosas. Además, Paddle ofrece filtros de fraude personalizables, que permiten a los comerciantes definir sus propias reglas y umbrales en función de sus perfiles de riesgo específicos.

Braintree: Braintree goes beyond basic fraud tools. Its advanced solutions, Fraud Protection and Fraud Protection Advanced, leverage machine learning to analyze transactions and suggest real-time, customizable filters. This minimizes chargebacks, reduces false positives, and allows merchants to fine-tune their fraud protection for optimal security and revenue.

Gestión de devoluciones de cargo

Paleta: Paddle adopta un enfoque proactivo en la gestión de las devoluciones de cargo. Su sistema responde automáticamente a las notificaciones de devoluciones de cargo, recopilando datos de transacciones relevantes y pruebas para respaldar los casos de los comerciantes. Paddle también proporciona informes detallados de devoluciones de cargo, lo que permite a las empresas identificar patrones y áreas potenciales de mejora en sus procesos.

While Paddle handles the initial chargeback response, merchants are responsible for providing additional documentation or information if needed during the dispute process. Paddle’s knowledgebase offers guidance on best practices for chargeback prevention and management.

Braintree: Braintree simplifies chargeback management. Merchants receive real-time notifications and can easily submit evidence directly within the Braintree Control Panel. This eliminates the need for manual data collection and streamlines the dispute process.  While Braintree facilitates evidence submission, merchants are ultimately responsible for responding to and resolving chargebacks.

Informes y análisis

Paleta: Sumérjase a fondo en las perspectivas basadas en datos con los ricos análisis impulsados por ProfitWell Metrics. Esta solución a medida para empresas de suscripción le permite comparar las métricas clave de SaaS con los datos del sector, utilizar modelos predictivos para identificar cuentas en riesgo y acceder a canalizaciones API para la toma de decisiones basada en datos. Esto elimina la necesidad de herramientas de análisis independientes y le permite optimizar sus precios, sus estrategias de reducción de bajas y sus planes de expansión.

Braintree: Braintree equips you with the tools to understand your business. The Control Panel offers transaction search functionality, settlement batch reports for reconciliation, and a view into chargebacks for streamlined dispute management. Real-time webhooks keep you informed about payment events, allowing for automated responses.  While not as in-depth as Paddle’s subscription analytics, Braintree provides the essentials to manage transactions, identify trends, and optimize your payment operations.


Paleta: Agilice su flujo de trabajo con una amplia biblioteca de integrations covering popular eCommerce platforms, CRMs, marketing tools, and more. This seamless ecosystem allows for automated tasks and data exchange, boosting efficiency and productivity. Additionally, dedicated solutions like Paddle for EDD and Paddle for WooCommerce cater specifically to WordPress users.

Braintree: Braintree boasts a strong integration game, connecting seamlessly with leading eCommerce platforms (think Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento) and business tools (accounting software, marketing automation platforms).  This eliminates the need for custom coding and simplifies data exchange between your various business applications, fostering streamlined workflows and increased efficiency. While Paddle offers specialized solutions for WordPress users, Braintree’s broader range of integrations caters to a wider variety of business needs.

Distinct Features of Paddle and Braintree


Herramientas de monetización flexibles: Paddle facilita a las empresas de SaaS la experimentación con modelos de precios y la optimización de las estrategias de monetización a lo largo del tiempo. Sus funciones de facturación medida y precios basados en el uso admiten modelos innovadores como pruebas, planes gratuitos, créditos y mucho más. Esta flexibilidad permite a las empresas ajustar sus ofertas para maximizar los ingresos.

Gestión fiscal integral: Para las empresas que venden software en todo el mundo, el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales es un quebradero de cabeza. Paddle ofrece soluciones completas de IVA, GST e impuestos sobre las ventas listas para usar para Europa, Norteamérica, Australia y más allá. Esto ahorra a los equipos el dolor de gestionar las diferentes normas y declaraciones jurisdiccionales.

Pagos globales instantáneos: Paddle ofrece pagos con un solo clic directamente a cuentas bancarias de todo el mundo, con conciliación diaria de las transacciones. Este nivel de velocidad y transparencia para los pagos globales es extremadamente raro en la industria de los pagos. Los vendedores pueden acceder a sus ganancias al instante sin importar dónde se encuentren.


3D Secure 2 Integration: Braintree goes beyond basic fraud prevention by offering seamless integration with 3D Secure 2, a next-generation authentication protocol. This reduces chargeback liability for merchants and meets Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements, ensuring a secure and compliant checkout experience for customers in Europe.

Flexible Settlement Options: Braintree empowers merchants with control over their finances. Beyond receiving settlements in various currencies, Braintree allows merchants to define settlement schedules and hold funds in their Braintree account for strategic disbursement. This flexibility provides greater control over cash flow and helps businesses optimize their working capital.

Seamless Marketplace Facilitation: Braintree offers robust features designed specifically for marketplace businesses. Merchants can leverage Braintree’s payout capabilities to disburse funds efficiently to sellers globally. Additionally, Braintree facilitates two-sided fraud protection, safeguarding both marketplace owners and sellers from fraudulent transactions.

Precios y tasas

When choosing a payment services provider, one of the most crucial considerations for any business is costs. Between payment processing rates, platform fees, and additional hidden costs, expenses can quickly pile up. In this section, we examine and compare the pricing models of Paddle and Braintree.

Precios del pádel

Paddle ofrece un modelo de precios todo incluido y transparente que abarca los pagos, la facturación de suscripciones, el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales, la protección contra el fraude y mucho más en una sola plataforma. No hay tarifas ocultas ni costes adicionales.

Sus precios de pago por uso comienzan en 5% + 0,50¢ por transacción, proporcionando elementos esenciales como pagos globales, cumplimiento fiscal integrado, protección contra devoluciones de cargos y detección de fraudes.

Paddle ofrece precios personalizados para empresas de rápido crecimiento o grandes empresas para desbloquear capacidades premium adicionales como servicios de migración, soporte de implementación y gestión de éxito dedicada.

Es importante señalar que existen servicios, Paddle para EDD y Paddle para WooCommerce, que ofrecen planes de precios personalizados adaptados a las necesidades específicas de los sitios WordPress, teniendo en cuenta el volumen de transacciones, las suscripciones y otros factores. Ambos servicios comienzan en $89/año. Para obtener información más detallada visit this link.

Braintree Pricing

Braintree offers two main pricing models to cater to different business needs:

  • Transaction Fee Model: This transparent model charges a per-transaction fee (typically 2.59% + $0.49) for debit/credit cards, mobile wallets, and most other payment methods. This is ideal for businesses with predictable transaction volumes and a focus on simplicity.
  • Interchange Plus Pricing: This model provides a more granular breakdown of fees by factoring in interchange rates set by card networks (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and a markup charged by Braintree. It offers greater flexibility for high-volume merchants who can potentially negotiate lower interchange rates.  While offering transparency, it requires a deeper understanding of interchange fees for optimal cost management.

There are no additional monthly fees with Braintree, and you only pay for the transactions you process. Additionally, Braintree avoids hidden fees by clearly outlining all potential costs like chargeback fees and ACH transaction fees.  For a more detailed breakdown of pricing and additional features included in each model, visit the Braintree pricing page [link to Braintree pricing page].

Facilidad de uso y asistencia

When evaluating a billing and payment platform, it is key to ensure a positive user experience through intuitive interfaces and helpful resources. Both Paddle and Braintree have invested in creating intuitive interfaces and providing robust support channels to ensure a seamless user experience.

Para pádel, easy-to-configure billing models, actionable customer insights, tailored gaming monetization features, and localized checkout experiences are top strengths that underpin their commitment to user-focused design principles. Hands-on support and 95%+ customer satisfaction gives Paddle users peace of mind during launch and expansion stages. 

Paddle offers a comprehensive knowledge base, community forums, and email and live chat support channels. These resources provide merchants with access to detailed documentation, troubleshooting guides, and direct support from Paddle’s experienced team.

Los testimonios de los directores generales atribuyen una considerable eficacia operativa y ahorro de costes a la capacidad de Paddle para minimizar los gastos generales de administración de la facturación. El acceso a una evaluación comparativa continua de las métricas de ingresos frente a datos de suscripción más amplios del sector también proporciona una asistencia basada en datos.

Braintree prioritizes a smooth user experience with an intuitive interface designed for easy navigation.  Whether you’re a technical pro or new to payment processing, Braintree simplifies the setup and management of your payment gateway.

  • Top-Notch Support:  Braintree offers a comprehensive support ecosystem to ensure you’re never left in the dark. This includes:
  • Extensive Knowledge Base: Find in-depth documentation, tutorials, and troubleshooting guides to answer your questions and guide you through any technical challenges.
  • Active Community Forums: Connect with other Braintree users and developers to share best practices, troubleshoot issues collaboratively, and stay updated on the latest platform developments.

For more personalized assistance, Braintree provides email support and phone support for higher-tier plans. Additionally, a dedicated Sales team is available to help you with onboarding and answer any questions specific to your business needs.

While Paddle boasts high customer satisfaction with hands-on support, Braintree offers a robust suite of resources and dedicated personnel, ensuring you receive the support you need to thrive.

Seguridad y conformidad

With payment platforms processing valuable customer data, having rigorous security protocols and compliance with privacy regulations is non-negotiable. We examine how Paddle and Braintree stack up on key parameters of trust and transparency for customers.

Paleta ofrece la mejor seguridad de su clase reforzada mediante la adhesión a SOC 2, las normas GDPR, sometiéndose a pentests/auditorías regulares, y siendo PCI DSS Nivel 1 certificado - el nivel más estricto. Su portal de seguridad ofrece documentación exhaustiva sobre políticas, procedimientos, métricas de recuperación, control de acceso y prácticas de desarrollo.

Con el alojamiento en la nube de AWS, los controles de acceso basados en roles, la autenticación MFA y la supervisión avanzada de amenazas a través de sistemas SIEM, marcan todas las casillas de la seguridad de nivel empresarial. Un equipo de seguridad dedicado y un programa proactivo de divulgación de vulnerabilidades apuntalan aún más su postura madura.

Braintree takes data security very seriously. They meet the highest industry standards (Level 1 PCI compliance) and employ robust practices like encryption, access controls, and regular security testing. This ensures your customers’ information is protected even if a data breach occurs.

Casos prácticos y recomendaciones

With a detailed analysis of core capabilities, security, pricing, and ease of use behind us – we wrap up with recommendations on ideal customer profiles who stand to benefit the most from Paddle and Braintree’s respective offerings.

Las empresas que mejor se adaptan al pádel:

Dado su robusto conjunto de características y su precio premium, Paddle brilla mejor para negocios bien establecidos con operaciones globales complejas, incluyendo:

  • Empresas de SaaS del mercado medio a la empresa con ingresos superiores a $10M
  • Estudios de juegos con más de 50.000 usuarios y monetización multi-SKU
  • Los editores digitales generan ingresos por suscripciones de 6-7 cifras
  • WordPress-based eCommerce and digital download businesses. Paddle for EDD and Paddle for WooCommerce are tailor-made for these platforms, offering powerful features and seamless integration to help your WordPress site thrive

En concreto, la capacidad de personalizar sofisticadas construcciones de facturación de suscripciones, los cálculos ejecutivos de impuestos sobre las ventas en más de 200 países y el aprovechamiento de datos detallados sobre el gasto transfronterizo de los consumidores hacen que Paddle merezca la pena para las empresas en expansión.

Aquellos que necesiten acomodaciones de nicho como modelos de precios medidos para el uso de API, generación de certificados para licencias de software o gestión de riesgos en torno a las fluctuantes jurisdicciones fiscales transfronterizas encontrarán que tienen capacidades inigualables con Paddle.

Businesses Who Are Best Suited for Braintree:

Braintree caters to a broad spectrum of businesses seeking a user-friendly and secure payment gateway solution. Here’s who can benefit most:

  • Startups and established businesses that need seamless integration with popular platforms (Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento) to accept payments quickly and securely.
  • Subscription businesses that require recurring billing capabilities, integration with popular subscription management platforms
  • Mobile app businesses that need the in-app payment experience for their customers increasing conversion rates and driving mobile revenue.
  • Marketplaces that need secure payouts to sellers while offering fraud protection for both marketplace owners and sellers.
  • Businesses requiring global reach can leverage Braintree support over 130 currencies with competitive conversion rates, enabling businesses to accept payments from customers worldwide.

Braintree is an ideal choice for businesses seeking a reliable and user-friendly payment gateway with a focus on core functionalities like secure transactions, multiple payment methods, and global reach. However, if you require highly specialized features like metered billing for complex usage models or advanced subscription management for high-volume businesses, Paddle might be a better fit.

Paddle vs Braintree: Choosing Your Payment Processor

Choosing the right payment processor boils down to your specific business needs and priorities. Both Paddle and Braintree are industry leaders, but they excel in different areas.

Pick Paddle if:

  • You’re a well-established business with complex global operations (SaaS companies, gaming studios, digital publishers).
  • You require sophisticated features like metered billing, global tax compliance, and detailed customer spending data.
  • You operate on a WordPress platform and want seamless integration (Paddle for EDD and Paddle for WooCommerce).

Choose Braintree if:

  • You prioritize user-friendliness and a smooth integration experience. Braintree excels in its intuitive interface and easy setup, making it ideal for businesses of all technical backgrounds.
  • You need a comprehensive payment solution for various business models. Braintree caters to e-commerce, subscriptions, mobile apps, and marketplaces, offering the flexibility to adapt to your needs.
  • Global reach is a key factor. Braintree empowers you to sell internationally without complexities with support for over 130 currencies and competitive conversion rates.
  • Security and reliability are paramount. Braintree adheres to the highest security standards (PCI DSS Level 1) and employs robust measures to safeguard your customer data.

Ultimately, the best way to decide is to consider your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. Both Paddle and Braintree offer free trials, allowing you to explore their features and user interface firsthand before committing.

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